Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Garden of Delight

The garden of delight
Oh how a soul would be magnified in power
Small, fragile, demure and light
Such was the story of the little flower

What unmistakable light of purity for one to bear
A soil fragranced with the odour of holiness
Eight white lilies sprung up from nowhere
Where Hermits dwell in the midst of blessedness

What lesser flowers which simplicity shines
Divine sun illuminates each ones
All things work together for good that binds
To be content as daisies or violets with no more wants

Graduation 2010...

The Lord has been great to me..
These past years, He picked me up from the deepest abyss of miseries and showered blessings upon blessings on me..
Scholarship upon scholarship and now finally, I graduated.
What touched me most is not the awards and cheers I have received but the love and support each friend and family gave me. Their very presence are more than words could express. Friends and family abroad all called and gave me their beloved blessings and encouragement. What more could one possibly want?

These past three years have taught me life lessons that are very dear to me. I'm also very thankful that I have met so many wonderful friends that has always been there for me. I am indebted to many friends and lecturers for the wonderful moments that we have gone through together, not to mention the help they extended to me when I need them most especially free rides..haha

There are many whom I wished to see during convocation but unfortunately, some did not turn up. Nevertheless, I pray that our paths will cross again..if not now, I truly hope in heaven :)

I guess it is time for everyone to move on now. I will cherish the memories in my heart and I hope to keep in touch with at least some of them.

I thank you that you have been part of my life and I pray God will bless each and everyone of you in your future undertakings. May His light be upon you as He continues to shower blessings of joy and peace on you. And remember what matters most in life are not the success in matters of wealth, money and power but how you have inspired and touched others for this is what people will remember about you on your deathbed..and always do something you love for money will come later.

Peace and Love.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Nature meets Fashion

Nature meets Fashion in


When i heard about this event from Vicky, i was excited but unfortunately I wouldn't be able to make it. Textile designers from around the world will be participating in this grand event including our very own Royal Terengganu Songket, Edric Ong, Fabriko and etc. International names include Anne Rickenbach from Switzerland, Sachiyo Shimamoto and the list goes on. There will be creative showcases of natural fibres and  natural dyes all uniquely woven to the theme of "NATURE’S COLOUR CODE- in Basketry and Textiles”.

The highlight of the event will be the gala dinner and fashion show which is in honour of the late Y.A.BHG DATUK AMAR LAILA TAIB who is also patron of this forum.

All these intricate textiles will be creatively styled to present the masterpieces in the most fashionable way you can imagine. I still can't believe I can't make it back to Kuching to witness this grand event.

Here are some pictures that you might want to see from the last WEFT.

A hand-painted piece by designer Winnie Wong

Designs from Designer Edric Ong

p/s: All the best Vicky in choreographing and organizing this event.

The Silent Scream

I weep but none hear me
I cry but none comfort me
I scream into the black hole that is sucking me
I shout into the cold air that is choking me

My heart bleeds but none console me
My head is ripping apart but none rescue me

Why me?

Why me?

Did I do anything so bad that you want to claim my life?
Did I say anything so horrible that you want to desert me?

Mummy please… 
It hurts…


Papa please… 
It hurts…



p/s: I wrote this and posted in fb after watching some traumatizing videos of the one child policy where women are forced into abortion in China.  It is not just China but all over the world, millions of abortions are taking place illegally and legally.We are in a time that human lives are taken for granted. Whether or not the world is getting over populated, we have no rights to take another’s life.

I would like to dedicate this poem to the billions of unborn child that died because of abortion.

Imagine if you’re that child screaming in silence…
Imagine if that child grows up to be the next Abraham Lincoln, saving and touching lives.
Everyone deserves a second chance…

Below are videos that everyone ought to see and understand what abortion really is about.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Shooting, styling...

My feet is sore..
Nevertheless, i had fun...
Today's shoot went pretty well..make up, and bags all lined up waiting to be picked by me...
It is also my first time to meet a Polish model so i'm pretty happy..
Poland is a place I have always wanted to being synonymous with  two of my favourite people, the late Pope John Paul II and St. Faustina.
Yay, Poland rocks!! I can't wait till the day I can set foot on this country that I hold very dear to me....

Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Call from Within

The stirring in my heart seems to come and go
Emotional bursts dropping into silence and drift away
Raptures arise at the most unexpected moment
Burning the soul from deep within

Was it a calling or an imagination?
A fantasy that ignites a spark or a touch of reality?
Can I ignore the echoes that speak to my heart?
Can I embrace instead the call without fears?

It is gripping the core of my very being
Grasping all the channels that breathe life into me
It is impossible to ignore the cries of the unknown
Feeding upon an uncertainty of a victimized soul

Teach me to Serve

"Only if I serve my neighbour can my eyes be opened to what God does for me and how much He loves me" -  Benedict XVI

Teach me Lord to serve like you want me to
Teach me Lord to go where you want me to go
Teach me Lord to love like you love
Teach me Lord to be willing to be willing

 Do you want to help out? Contribute? Every little bit of help counts..

Monday, September 13, 2010

A Glimpse of me?

For the past one week, I have thrown myself completely into making handmade accessories, clothes and paintings. Cloistered in my room (looks like a workshop now), I am immersed in the threading, beading, sewing, brushing and etc world.

Here's a glimpse of what I am making for the Bijou Bazaar..

Handmade Necklace


My friend, Karen will be selling her chic and trendy note cards, notebook calendars on the same day as well.
Feel free to have a look at what she is selling.

My designer friend, Joey Sia will be selling funky and ethnic clothes and accessories. His stuffs are also available at

Come and support us or simply to have fun!!

Bijou Bazaar @ Malaysia Day Street Festival

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Operating Hours: 3 p.m. - 10 p.m.

Bangkung Row

Jalan Bangkung (Off Jalan Maarof)

Bukit Bandaraya

59100 Kuala Lumpur

Click here for google map if you need directions's&hl=en&cd=1&ei=JP1-TKH-GoHmvAPWlJDcDA&ie=UTF8&view=map&cid=16438529725714851887&ved=0CIQBEKUG&hq=Leonardo's&hnear=&ll=3.138237,101.668863&spn=0.007499,0.00912&z=16&iwloc=A&f=d&daddr=61+Jalan+Bangkung,+Taman+Bandaraya,+59100+Kuala+Lumpur,+Federal+Territory+of+Kuala+Lumpur,+Malaysia+(Leonardo's)

Praise God

Today we are celebrating the Feast of the Triumph of the Holy Cross!!
Thanks be to God for that day!! Sometimes we as humans never thank God enough for saving us from the chains of death. Thank you Jesus! We love you.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Cecil, I'm proud of you! Here's one to you for Malaysia Day!

There are very few poets i know in Malaysia. People here do not really appreciate poetry as much as other parts of the world. I remember how I felt at the Delphics when I met people who are in love with poetry, who can talk poetry. It's like I was home.

Today, I must pay tribute to this Malaysian poet whom many do not know in Malaysia but are greatly respected worldwide for his interesting poems especially those that speak of social injustices and oppression. Cecil Rajendra is his name. He was nominated for Nobel Literature Prize few years back but what inspired me was what he said.

"It becomes no longer a matter of choice, but the moral obligation and bounden duty of every responsible writer to bear witness to the times he lives in and to put his life and his work at the service of humanity."

Thank you Cecil for writing but most of all for speaking to the world about the exploitation, repression and injustices of the third world countries. You make Malaysia proud!

This is one for Malaysia Day!!
Here's an excerpt from his poem ‘To My Country’ from ‘Refugees and Other Despairs’ that I love as it expresses his concern and love for Malaysia..

“Faults in another / that would not matter /

in our loved ones / assume / cataclysmic proportions /

and if i did not care / i would not dare /

chart / your many imperfections”

p/s: Here are three links to read more about him

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Mama Mary..
Thanks for everything especially for saying Yes that one fine day when the Angel came to you.
I love you.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

It's Your Choice

I was meeting up with a friend few days ago but because she was late, i went to pass time in MPH. I came across a fictional book. The moment i flipped the pages, i was hooked. I have found a precious gem. I believe the lateness was no coincidence. I am still reading it now and something inspired me so much that i must share. I will quote word by word here.

"This tale is my own. For I am David, son of none. My mother died when I was born. My father beat me, called me stupid and lazy, and one day chase me out. Now I am an orphan without a mother or a home or a birthright." (this boy was telling a storyteller his life story..earlier on, he befriended a shepherd and a girl (she treated this boy like her brother and her name is Elizabeth) who took him in after his father chased him out)
"My, My", said the Storyteller, listening to the boy."This is a sad tale from one so young?'
"Every narrator makes choices," the Storyteller said." Some cloak their characters with despair while others choose the garment of hope. Some see the wine jug half empty; others see it half full."
"David" the Storyteller said,"where there was sadness, your sister brought joy. Where there was loneliness, the shepherd offered company."

(the boy later changed his tale)

"I am David, brother of Elizabeth. Though my mother died when I was born and my father cursed me, I never walk alone. So lucky am I to have my sister and the shepherd, both gentle and kind. And my donkey loves me too."

"Ah," said the Storyteller." Not a victim but a survivor. Now we know you. David, the lucky boy".

The way you look at your life is your choice. There are so many beautiful things to be thankful for if you only knew it. Put on a garment of praise instead of a mournful, gloomy face with tons of complains. You will only drive your friends away. Look on the bright side of things. You will live happier.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Imperfect is Perfect

Imperfect is perfect

Irregular lines are beautiful

Stains patterned the most unique tapestry

A crooked nose

A smaller eye

An extra thumb

Behold the uniqueness that many despise

The tears of the blind

The moaning of the dumb

The silence of the deaf

Look beyond the physical shell

That hides the beauty of the soul

And reach for the diamonds within

The brokenness of a widow

The death of an unborn child

The limb that no longer exists

The dappled things in life

They are extraordinarily beautiful

If only you will see

Look beyond

And you just might find

The treasure buried inside

In each and every being called human

In each and everything that exists

And grasp the precious gem

The untainted cavern that we can go

The hole that shouts

Imperfect is perfect

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Does Heaven and Hell exist?


For the past couple of days, i have been thinking and contemplating on what Papa has told me about his experiences. I have always read about it in his books but i have never actually heard him telling me about it.

Papa is my beloved uncle. He is like a daddy to me so that's why i call him papa. He is blessed with the gifts of visions and visitations from Our Lord. A couple of times, the Lord has brought Papa to both heaven and hell. I still remember the expression on his face when he tells me these very experiences.

I will not describe in details here as it is a private revelation but i shudder at the description of hell that he told me. He saw three levels in hell and there is endless torture there. Imagine being scourged, beaten and burnt in the furnace of fire repeatedly for the rest of your life? Imagine trying to escape but to no avail? The look on his face when he told me filled me with terror.

Then he told me about heaven. Jesus said to him, 'This is my kingdom'. Everyone seemed so beautiful and filled with peace and joy.

Those very words kept playing in my mind. I want to be in heaven and I want to be part of God's kingdom. I am saddened that people do not take this seriously anymore but i am happy to know that in the end, God's kingdom will reign. A King has come to call us as His own. Shouldn't we be grateful and cling on to Him??

Before i left for KL, papa said, 'The most important thing is God'. Simple but to the point. I will cling on to that.

So, yes.

Heaven and hell exists. Repent now before it is too late.

p/s: to read papa's books, visit

The Message

I find this very true and a reminder to us all so i guess i will post it here.
Taken from the blog below. I hope he don't mind me sharing it here.

"The focus should be totally on the message rather than on the messengers. (Good advice for today’s Church!)"

"All too often we hear Church leaders and pastors being criticised and sometimes with justification. But we do need to remember that, from top to bottom, we are a Church of flawed people. And so, we should keep in mind what Paul says - namely, that what we really need to focus on is the Message rather than the messengers. Some people abandon the Message on the basis of the behaviour of one or two messengers. Sometimes this is a rationalisation for not accepting the Message. We might remember Jesus’ words about being too conscious about the splinter in the eye of the other while there is a large beam of wood in our own. Messengers have had their shortcomings since the very beginning. Just look at Peter and Paul. The Gospel, too, is addressed equally to all and the same fidelity is required of every member and not more from some and less from others."

p/s: if you find fault in your leaders, why not breathe a prayer for him and intercede for him instead of criticizing?

Friday, September 3, 2010

Rags to riches movie fame for homeless man who became 'China's sexiest tramp'

Do you know that sometimes even the little you do can help save someone's life?

A photographer was cruising the streets of China when a homeless man caught his eye. He took pictures of this man and post it up online. This homeless man soon prompted a fashion designer to make a collection inspired by his 'bohemian' rugged look.

The ultimate bomb of this life story is the restoration of his life when the family found out about him online. The power of internet these days. His story will be made into a film by Chinese producer, Deng Jianguo to be released next February. I am definitely looking forward to it.

The bottomline is, as once quoted by the late Mother Teresa,'Do all things with great love, even the smallest things'....who knows you might just save someone's life?

To read more of the whole story, check out

Thursday, September 2, 2010

An inspiration

I came across his name today. Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati.

Someone sent me his page. I decided to read more about him. His life is what inspired me most. Born into a wealthy family, this young man was vibrant and a beacon of hope constanly beaming with joy and love. He attracted people to him whereever he went.
Though he lived a short life (died at 24), he had lived life to the fullest. I highly recommend youth today to look up to him and may his life be an example to us.

To read more, check out

Almost Perfect

It came in a box

Beautifully wrapped, endearingly carved

Majestically presented


It was chipped

A small flaw that seemed almost invisible

A tiny crack with a fragile stare

Almost oblivion to the eyes of many

A spark without the light

Like music humming in the midst of moonlight

Like starry nights looking back at Van Gogh
It was almost sublime

It was almost honest


It stood silently, unknowingly

It wrapped its enchantment around the blurring vision

Like dewy drops on a cold misty morning

Like palette of colours swishing in a monotone

It is flawed


Almost Perfect