Saturday, July 16, 2011

I am Weak but thou art Strong

I am weak but thou art strong…
That’s the very verse that gives me strength these few weeks…
Things have been kinda crazy..more like suddenly, there is so much things on my hand…
I have been rushing from one place to another and from doing one thing to another..
Things that are familiar and even plunging myself into unfamiliar territories..
Happenings that shook my pride, tested my patience, and deadlines that overwhelmed my feeble weak physical self..
I am glad God gives me strength..
More things piling on my plate..
I have tons to do but I thought I’ll take a breather in this cavern of mine...
I have deadlines to meet and if you’re one of those reading and waiting for me, I’m truly sorry..
I’ll try my best to deliver the best that I can..
I am happy to take a short breather here ..
I have missed the solitude and my poetry ‘alone’ days..
But I realised I can be solitary although surrounded by others..
However it is solitary with God that I seek..
Indeed, when my strength has left me it is God alone that I can depend on for there is no one else..
So if you’re like me, and things seem so overwhelming especially your tons of responsibilities,
Don’t run away from the Cross..
It is the Cross that will perfect and save you
The joy of the Lord shall be your strength!!

I am weak but thou art strong..
Thank you Jesus..

Sunday, July 3, 2011

My Cappuccino

Back in the hub,
Waiting for my cappuccino,
Shopping like the wind,
Grab and go my style for the day

Alas it has arrived,
My funky cappucino or so it say,
Am delighted with the taste,
For many boast but failed

My second time alone,
Refreshing from the rest of cafes,
More so as it suits my taste buds

First it was focaccia di agnello,
The lovely minted roast lamb,
Perhaps now it shall be penne,
Or a date with evergreen salad

Sipping my floaty cappuccino,
One of life's simple pleasures,
A break from piling to do lists
Alas my friend is here