Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Silent Voice

Cloistered behind the high walls,
Bricks of cosmopolitan consumption,
Ambushed by creeping poisonous ivy,
Thickened dusty moulds of wood,
Formed beneath a hidden cavern...

Endless messages outside numbed her,
Listening intently to the silence,
Within her a voice that none can hear,
As still as a mouse in prey can be
She sits facing against the world...

A dim candle flickers in the cavern,
Stenched of blood and sins engraved,
A martyr's wish cannot be reversed,
A torturous yearning to be embraced,
Is it the beginning or is it the end...

Fragile and moving yet not conforming,
The standards of society impenetrable,
Yet the voice aches to be heard,
An audience that knows no bounds,
In the world yet not of the world...

Crouching beneath the chaotic lines,
A thirst insatiable that knows no quench,
A princess in waiting to be fed,
Malnourished beyond the naked eyes,
She starved for bread of words...

Die to herself by means of denial,
Partaking the cross of holy sacrifice,
Be she perfect like a pure bride,
Her parched throat with no sound,
The silent voice awaits the groom

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Are you Ready for God's Call?

The song below has been sung many times in church. How many of us truly burned in our hearts when we listen to the words?

Many hearts are hungry tonight
Many trapped in darkness
Yearn for the light
So many who are far from home
And many who are lost
O Lord Your wounded children need
The power of Your cross
As bread that is broken
Use our lives
As wine that is poured out
A willing sacrifice
Empower us Father
To share the love of Christ
As bread that is broken Lord
Use our lives
Help us to begin where we are
Help us love the people
Near to our hearts
Then give our faith a mission field
Wherever You may call
Lord love Your world
Through each of us
Until we've touched them all

Do you feel broken when you see the wounded people in the world? Not just the hungry and physically poor but the spiritually starved in the rich world because they do not know Jesus.

Do you feel you are born for a higher calling?

Do you feel God has a mission for you?

Do you feel a burning zeal to reach out and touch people with God's love?

Many of us feels being called but are we willing to sacrifice it all to leave our comfort zones and leave a life that we would never imagine? 

Many of us hesitate to leave our comfortable lives. We are afraid of losing our houses, cars, holidays and so forth.

We need to look right at the heart of Jesus and ponder these words of His.

 "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few."
Luke 10:2

"And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or property, for my sake, will receive a hundred times as much in return and will inherit eternal life." 
Matt 19:19

"If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."
Matt 19:21

"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me".
Matt 16:24

Not everyone is called to the mission field or leave it all for a radical Christian life. However, if there is this nagging in you and all those words above kept ringing in the voices of your heart, God might be calling you to somewhere.

Let us continue to pray that God will make us be willing to be willing, to be His hands and feet for many are hungry for God; for many are trapped in darkness.

Let us be ready when God calls.


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Battle in the Dark

Darkness falls and lights go off
Nurses still busy past midnight
The dark tunnel amazingly calm
The soul at peace with lyrica

Celebrex soothes roaring nerves
Fibro wakes up now and then
The disc says hello unexpectedly
Sending excited waves all over

Stillness of the night brushes over
An occasional snore stir the silence
Faux drowsiness running through
Buzzing sounds of far emergencies

Lights outside sheds a bright twinkle
Ignoring neverending pokes of pain
Central nervous system likes to joke
Pouring waves of tingle till you cry

Numbness became one's best friend
A new soulmate as close as fibro
Unspoken words shared the cannal
Borderline carpel tunnel syndrome

Muscles and veins dances together
Forming jingles of tap dancing
Weakened arms exhorts a laugh
Expressing turmoil without energy

Alas the dark night is still long
It is a beginning of a new battle
Science and emotions join forces
Shaping warriors of divine strength