Friday, August 20, 2010

Bubble of Joy

This could be said my very first proper attempt at poetry..i started off expressing myself ater going through a tough time, one of my darkest moments in life. Somehow it ended up looking like a poem..

Bubbly, happy, jovial, carefree...

Those were the words one would describe the feelings that it once radiates...

Bringing smiles and laughter into people's lives...

Transforming complexities into the purest simplicities...

Melting stubborn hearts with a touch of love...

Healing wounds of sorrows and burning away the torches of flaming grudges...


Where has it all gone to?

Where is the bubble of joy that everyone longs to come near?

Where is the joyful radiance it spreads?


Smiles turn to sorrows...

Laughter turns to tears...

Peace turns to anxieties...

Love turns to hatred...

Trust turns to fear...


It is fading...

It is breaking...

Slowly, holes emerging and expanding...

Lines of sorrow creeping up, blurring the clear surface ...

Blocking the radiance...

Clumps of thorns appearing,choking and crowding

It is all hazy...

Shine starts to dim...

Darkness sets in...


It floats...

It struggles...

Day and night...

It holds on to what is left...

It bounces back and it comes forth again...


The Perfect bubble...

Now it is broken...




Will the broken pieces be mended?

Will the joy it once carried comes back?

Wil the innocence of life crawls back?


There it stands...


Will it wait in the wings forever?

Will it struggle to move forward with its broken pieces?


Will it accept its brokenness and die to it?


It shall die..

It shall undergo the pain...

It shall forget the past...


It shall die and wait...

And wait...

Like a butterfly out from its cocoon...


It stretches up again...

Now it has risen again...

It has died and been born again...

It is whole new..



Once broken, it is BRAND NEW...

Better than it has ever been...

The Perfect BUBBLE OF JOY...

To be born again, it has to be broken, shattered and die...

To be born again, it has to leave all its dreams and desires...

To be born again is better than fixing the pieces left over...

"Those who seeks his life loses it but those who loses his life wil find it"

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