Sunday, May 29, 2011

Return to Me

Listening to Brian Doerksen's album, Holy God in the quietness of my study room,
I felt moved by a few sentences that he proclaimed through his album..
I shall post it here..

"From the ancient days until today,
I have inspired prophets and poets...
And at the heart of every message..
Are these 3 words...
Return to me
I am your Creator,
Return to me
Am your Redeemer..
Your Father: Return to Me
I am Your Husband,
Return to Me"

How beautiful and simple
It dawned on me how true it is
All my poems are inspired by God directly and indirectly
Even if I talk about people or the sky or the world
All these are His creations

My Father is my muse
NO rather He is the poet,
I am His pen

I can only heed His words
Return to Me

Will you join me and make that journey
To return to Him

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