Friday, July 26, 2013

The Ordinary Great Living Saint

I have just woke up from an off and on sleep. Groggy and light-headed, the drowsy flu medications sent my head spinning and my weak body flying into the couch of Villa Maria. I can't believe it is already almost sunset. It is terrible to have serious flu and chronic sinusitis when you also have fibro pains crawling under your skin poking you every now and then. It was definitely not a restful sleep. I haven't been doing much but I kept thinking of this great sick person whom I was given the privilege to visit. I aspire to have qualities like her.

She is a relative of mine, probably about 50 years of age or slightly more. She's currently in the nursing home as she couldnt walk. She needs to move around in a wheelchair. She suffered so much since a child. She has epilepsy since a child and had difficulties growing up normally. She got married but heartbreakingly, her marriage ended because her husband cruelly did not want to stick around a sick person. Her kids were snatched away and although they were not living oceans apart, she never saw them again. She lived with her parents in their small village and she was happy although life has not been kind to her. Few years back, her parents died leaving her all alone. She has siblings but everyone was so busy to attend to her because of work, kids, travel and etc. For the benefit of everyone, she agreed to stay in a nursing home for the aged.

We visited her not long ago and she was overwhelmed with joy. She only has a bed and a few belongings on a shelf next to her. She was sharing a big hall with many beds occupied with elderly people. Some are bed-ridden and some have dementia. All of them looked years older than her; probably around 75 and older. It was hot with only a few fans around but she was happy and contented.

She told us that everyday she thanked God for her life and she is contented being there. She has no worries or hold bitterness upon anyone about how circumstances are thrown upon her. She also thanked God for the nurses who looked after her and she goes to bed peacefully every night after saying her night prayers.

Everyone seemed to like her there. Most of the time she would sit on her bed because she is immobile as in her legs could not walk anymore. When she can, she will be moving around in her wheelchair saying hi to everyone in the hall; just paying the old folks a visit. The aged ladies and men are happy to see her. They claimed she's like a shining sun to them ever since she entered the home. Despite her terrible circumstances, she chose to be joyful and be a hope to others especially with the occupants who are paralysed and are left there forgotten. Many of us would have been depressed for the lack of privacy or blamed God for taking everything away but she chose to be positive.

She truly lived God's words and putting it in action everyday. Quietly, she is like Jesus to the people in the nursing home. I aspire to be like this ordinary yet great living saint of today that nobody knows.

                         1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
 “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:11
I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.

Romans 8:18
 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.

Most of all, I felt the presence of Jesus when I visited her. That speak volumes. I hope you are inspired by her life and may you be the shining Christ to those around you who may never know Christ no matter what circumstances you find yourself in. The joy of the Lord is your strength!

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